Chhota Bheem Damyan ki Dehshat [Part 3 Added] In Hindi + Tamil + Telugu + Kannada + Malayalam + Marathi 480p.mkv [Link Updated] BHEEMBIG


Chhota Bheem Damyan ki Dehshat

  Name : Chhota Bheem
  Big Picture : Damyan Ki Dehshat
  Release Year : 2023
  Creators : Green Gold Animation
  Language : Hindi
  Uploaded by : DiamondCartoon


Bheem and gang enter the Chakrvavyuha of Sagarpur and fight the monsters inside it, protecting the Jal Chakra. However, Damyaan enters the scene with Mahasagar and Simhika as hostages, just before the kids could take the Chakravyuha under their control. Damyaan asks the kids to exchange the Chakravyu a in exchange of both king Mahasagar and Simhika’s life. Bheem does not have much of a choice, so he trades the Jal Chakra to save King Mahasagr’s life as well as that of Simhika. To their surprise, Damyaan hands the Jal Chakra over to Mahasagar and commands him to link the power of the Trident with Damyaan’s soul.

Mahasagar has no choice but to obey Damyaan’s commands as he looksi to be the most powerful evil at this point of time. After the link is done, Damyaan gets complete control over all water in the entire world because he now controls the Trident of Sagarpur.

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